Superpave mix design manual sp 200 pill

Harrigan strategic highway research program ronald j. Superpave is about selecting the proper mix to suit the traffic and climatic conditions. When a mix contains additives and the source of asphalt cement changes from that used in the mix design, tests shall be redone to verify the dosage of such additives. Superpave superpave asphalt mixture design workshop developed by the asphalt team thomas harman 202 4933072 federal highway administration, hrdi11 6300 georgetown pike, mclean, va 22101. Calculating design life esals for superpave paving courses, the specification of 65 gyration asphalt mix designs will not be allowed on projects let after december 30, 2016. Generally, this results in a paving mix which is coarser, has less sand, and less liquid asphalt. In the superpave mix design and analysis system, the mix. Description construct a hotmix asphalt hma pavement layer composed of a compacted, superpave sp mixture of aggregate and asphalt binder mixed hot in a mixing plant. Wsdot uses the superpave mix design method also commonly called the gyratory mix design method.

The asphalt binder used in the mixture design shall meet the. The change involved a switch from the old hveem design method to the superpave design method. Batch, mix, and compact more samples with this gradation with four asphalt contents. Superpave consists of 1 an asphalt binder specification, 2 an hma mix design method and 3 hma. This procedure provides guidelines for volumetric design of densegraded. Payment adjustments will apply to hma placed under this specification unless the hma is deemed exempt in accordance with section 344. The first article covering the early design practices through the marshall and hveem systems was published in the spring 20 issue of asphalt magazine. Superpave mix design procedure in accordance with these specifications and in reasonable close conformity with the required lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical. Mpwh specified gradation limits and used gradation. The superpave design process is part of a total pavement design system. The key aspect to the performance of any asphalt mixture is the selection of the optimum materials that will be used in the mixture. A superpave mix design includes several processes and decision points.

Significant projects include research on toner modified asphalt, the effect of crushed aggregate percent on performance of hma mixtures, the correlation of field performance to. Like the hveem and marshall methods, the superpave method has been proven to produce quality hma from which longlasting pavements can be constructed. First, design compaction levels are established and materials are selected and characterized. The superpave regional centers are a unique source of expertise and assistance for highway agencies in their quest to build better, longer lasting roads. This work shall consist of furnishing a hma mixture using superpave mixture design methods.

Evaluation of moisture sensitivity of the design mixture. M 323 superpave volumetric mix design r 30 mixture conditioning of hotmix asphalt hma r 35 superpave volumetric design for hotmix asphalt hma r 90 sampling of aggregates. This is the second of two articles on the history of mix design. Reduced traffic delays, fewer accidents, longer lasting pavements, strong economic development, just to name a few. Superpave is a system of components that work together to provide a superior performing asphalt pavement. Performance by design transportation research board miscellaneous report isbn 0309094143 transportation research board publications are available by ordering individual publications directly from the trb business office, through. The final product of the shrp asphalt research program is a new system called superpave, which is short for superior performing asphalt pavements. Superpave in 1998, the mainedot changed its method of designing hot mix for maine roads. History of design air voids national asphalt pavement. Superpave gyratory method washington asphalt pavement. The superpave mix design method was designed to replace the hveem and marshall methods. Superpave mix design was developed as part of the strategic highway research program shrp from 1987 to 1993. Superpave performance by design final report of the trb superpave committee.

Last year, two general aviation airports in kentucky used state funds to overlay their runways with superpave mixtures. History of design air voids marshall mix design set up in late 1940s design voids set at 3 to 5% marshall mix compaction standard rolling train static steel wheel pneumatic tired 8% will densify under traffic to 4% density at end of life design density. The superpave asphalt technology program is currently engaged in several important projects that extend its leadership position in superpave research and implementation. This manual complements the standard specifications for construction of roads and bridges on federal highway projects fp. The superpave mix design manual for new construction and. Selection of materials aggregate, binders, modifiers, etc. Sharing knowledge of the superpave procedures throughout the highway industry will speed the implementation of superpave as the standard asphalt binder selection and mix design. Improving hot mix asphalt performance with superpave. This manual has been developed to provide construction project personnel with information and guidance for field activities relating to materials.

This laboratory manual presents the superpave mix design system in a complete. Superpave is an improved system for specifying hotmix asphalt hma component materials, hma mix design and analysis, and pavement performance prediction. This section briefly discusses the superpave mix design method wapa pavement note on mix design. Binder etg aashto mp1 nthe superpave low temp binder spec has been revised using a new scheme to determine the critical thermal cracking temperature. Superpave is an overarching term for the results of the asphalt research portion of the 1987 1993 strategic highway research program shrp. Adaptation of superpave asphalt concrete mix design. Superpave volumetric mix design four major steps in the testing and analysis process. The superpave mix design manual for new construction and overlays ronald j. Superpave gyratory mix design discussion in 1987, the strategic highway research program shrp began developing a new system for specifying asphaltic materials. Using superpave mix designs, contractors can produce asphalt mixes to meet specific traffic loads and climates.

Heating pills in hot water bathhma superpave mix design 66 67. In this series, you will learn how superpave can help futureproof infrastructures and make a real difference to peoples lives. The volumetric analysis common to the hveem and marshall methods provides the basis for the superpave mix design method. The superpave mix design system provides flexibility to deal with one, two, or all three of the major distress types which it addresses. This document, intended as a companion to the national asphalt pavement associations. As examples, at the discretion of the agency, designs for warm weather climates can concentrate on permanent deformation only or on permanent deformation and fatigue cracking.

The answer is yes comparing my copy of sp 2 to my friends sp 1, the two books have a lot of overlap, but sp 2 has less detail about asphalt selection. Ipc global is launching a new education series about superpave or performancebased testing. Kennedy university of texas at austin michael anderson the asphalt institute strategic highway research program national research council washington, dc 1994. One of the key components of superpave is materials selection. Materials selection binder the design process starts with material selection. A gyratory compactor simulates traffic conditions in the laboratory. The ontario ministry of transportation started implementation of superpave in the late 1990s and by 2006, superpave mix design technology was standard practice on all mto projects. Superpave gyratory compactor sgc 150 mm diameter mold ram pressure. The product of the shrp asphalt research program thomas w. Green berets ultralight bug out bag with gear recommendations duration. Hma course superpave mix designhma superpave mix design 1. One of the principal results from the strategic highway research program shrp was the superpave mix design method. An alternative method is to dry, screen, and recombine millings in the laboratory to target gradation. As traffic levels and loading conditions increase above 1 million 80kn 18,000lb equivalent singleaxle loads esals during a pave.

Its pretty much as i expected its the manual for how to design a pavement using superpave. Superpave mix design 48 determining the design asphalt content the selected trial blend becomes the design aggregate structure. Superpave performancebased testing for asphalt pavements. Gradation of the millings after crushing shall be determined by kt1, kt2, and kt3 dried at 104o f 40o c or less. Hdot has built several pavements using the superpave mix design method and plans on doing even more in the future. For rhmag sp, asphalt rubber binder design and profile the jmf must be based on a hma mix design determined as described in the superpave mix design sp 2 manual by the asphalt institute. It is a mix design system that can be used for every type of pavement from golf cart paths and parking lots to the 400 series highways. This section briefly discusses the superpave mix design method. Cominsky university of texas at austin with contributions by. A simple performance test nflow time ne, g selection of materials. The hma mixture will be provided according to the requirements of the standard specifications except where modified herein. Specimens placed in chamber at 25 chma superpave mix design 67 68.

Mix selection superpave uses a volumetric approach to mix design. The superpave system ties asphalt binder and aggregate selection into the mix design process, and considers traffic and climate as well. When the guidelines or directions set forth in this manual conflict with an flh contract, the contract shall. Understanding superpave mix design federal highway administration 1995 video vh353 superpave, superior performing asphalt pavements, is presented as the mix design system for the next. Superpave mix design procedure for asphalt mixtures aldot. Superpave asphalt technology center for transportation. One thing i had been wondering prior to purchase was, is there a difference between sp 1 and sp 2. Superpave this workshop is intended to demonstrate the superpave asphalt mixture design system developed by the strategic highway research program shrp, along with the application of certain innovative concepts in field management of asphalt mixes. However, the existing superpave design system does not properly address perform. Implementation of superpave, when fully developed, should minimize or eliminate rutting, fatigue cracking, and low temperature cracking. Block 14 superpave mix design linkedin slideshare.

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